Straighten Jumbled and Gap Teeth With Invisalign

Straighten Jumbled and Gap Teeth With Invisalign

Do you want to find a way to straighten your teeth in the local area? If so, then you may be interested in Invisalign in East Lansing, MI. This is a great way to correct overcrowded teeth, fix gaps in your smile, and make sure you have the smile you deserve. You need to work with a dentist who has experience in this area, and Dr. Thomas Faiver can help you. Learn more about this treatment option below, and work with a local dentist who can help you straighten your teeth. 

The Process of Getting Invisalign

So, if you are interested in Invisalign in East Lansing, MI, how does this work? First, you will meet with a dentist to figure out what the best option is for you to correct your smile. Then, if clear aligner trays will work well for you, the dentist will take a mold of your teeth. This will be used to make sure the trays have been perfectly tailored to meet your smile.

After this, you will go through the set of trays, swapping them out every few weeks. Every time you swap out your trays, this is a sign that you are getting closer to having the smile you deserve. Eventually, after you go through all of the trays, your smile should be beautiful.

The Advantages of Clear Aligner Trays 

You have multiple options available if you are looking for a way to straighten your smile, so why is this the best option for you? First, you don't have to worry about having brackets and wires on the surfaces of your teeth. Therefore, the aesthetic look of Invisalign might be better.

Second, you also don't have to worry about changing your diet. You will take the trays out to eat, so you don't have to worry about anything getting stuck underneath them. This is not the case if you go with traditional braces. 

Finally, you also do not have to go to the dentist as often. You don't have to worry about getting any brackets or wires tightened. All you have to do is swap out the trays on your own. This can save you a lot of time.

Contact a Local Dentist To Learn More

Invisalign in East Lansing, MI has become a popular option for people of all ages who are looking for ways to straighten their teeth. Therefore, if you are looking for ways to fill gaps in your smile and correct overcrowding, this could be the best option for you as well. Dr. Faiver can help you discuss your options and figure out the best way to correct your smile. Call (517) 351-7222 to make an appointment.

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