How Do I Relieve My TMJ Pain?

How Do I Relieve My TMJ Pain?

TMJ PainFind out the best ways to manage your TMJ-related discomfort.

TMJ disorders are surprisingly common, affecting between 5 to 12 percent of Americans. This jaw problem is also more commonly found in young adults and women. If you are experiencing facial pain due to TMJ then it’s time to find out how to effectively treat your symptoms and know when to see your East Lansing, MI dentist Dr. Thomas G. Faiver for treatment.

Conservative Treatments for TMJ Disorders

Many patients find the relief they are looking for just by incorporating some of these treatments into their daily lives. Here are some ways your East Lansing, MI dentist may recommend combating TMJ-related pain:

  • NSAIDs: Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medications like ibuprofen can help to reduce muscular pain and swelling. And better yet, you don’t need a prescription for this medication. Just head to your local drugstore to get relief from TMJ pain.
  • Heat or cold therapy: An ice pack or warm towel applied to the face for five to 10 minutes at a time several times a day can also ease your symptoms.
  • Stretching exercises: Talk to your East Lansing, MI dentist about different jaw exercises you can perform each day to help reduce your TMJ symptoms and strengthening facial muscles and tendons.
  • Change your diet: By eating softer foods and avoiding crunchy or hard foods you can also keep jaw pain at bay. Incorporate more rice, bread, eggs, lean meats and soup into your diet. Also, cut food into smaller more manageable pieces so you don’t have to overstretch your jaw while eating.

Other TMJ Treatments

If these lifestyle changes don’t help your TMJ pain then your East Lansing, MI dentist Dr. Faiver has other options:

  • Prescriptions: For those with severe pain that over-the-counter pain relievers can’t tackle we can prescribe a stronger medication to help relax jaw muscles and reduce pain.
  • A night guard: Sometimes just by wearing this mouthpiece we can help your TMJ symptoms. These custom-made dental appliances help to reduce jaw clenching and teeth grinding, which can be responsible for your condition. Talk to your East Lansing dentist about whether a night guard or splint is right for you.
  • Dental work: Sometimes bite problems are responsible for TMJ. Luckily these issues can sometimes be corrected with dental crowns, bridges or orthodontics. When you come in for a consultation we can discuss whether dental work could eliminate your TMJ symptoms.

Are you not experiencing relief from at-home remedies and conservative measures? This doesn’t mean that you just have to suffer from TMJ-related pain. Let your East Lansing dentist Dr. Faiver create a treatment plan that’s sure to have you feeling better in no time.

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