Enhance Your Smile With Dental Veneers

Enhance Your Smile With Dental Veneers

Would you like a cosmetic treatment which improves your smile appearance, strengthens individual tooth structure and also looks completely natural? Find all these qualities and more in porcelain veneers! These thin, translucent laminates disguise dental flaws and enhance smile appearance. Your dentist in East Lansing, MI, Dr. Thomas Faiver, is an expert in this popular cosmetic dental service, and he can help determine if porcelain veneers are a good choice for you!

Size, shape, color, and arrangement

These qualities blend together into the perfect smile. However, if one of these factors veers off course, you can become less than pleased with how your smile looks. Maybe you have uneven tooth length or an oddly shaped tooth, or perhaps your center top teeth show deep tobacco stains, or some teeth crowded or noticeably gapped. Porcelain veneers can permanently change all of these defects!

The first step is a consultation with your dentist in East Lansing, MI. There, you two will discuss the aesthetic aspects of your smile that you'd like to improve. An examination, X-rays, and a detailed treatment plan will then make up the remaining agenda for the visit. If porcelain veneers are on that plan, expect a two-to-three visit treatment and spectacular results!

How veneers work

Porcelain veneers are super-thin and tooth-shaped. Your dentist will permanently bond them to the front of selected teeth, in order to cover chips, gaps, pitting, and a host of other problems. For the veneers to fit and bite properly, Dr. Faiver will remove about half a millimeter of enamel from the teeth.

Dental impressions will also be taken and subsequently sent to a dental lab. There, a master ceramist will craft each veneer, achieving the right shape and color for your smile. Finally, once you come back to the office for final placement, Dr. Faiver will use a tooth-colored cement to bond the veneers over your teeth.

Love your smile

Of course, you want your smile to be healthy, but don't you want it to look great, too? Why not see Dr. Thomas Faiver for a cosmetic dentistry consultation and explore your options? After all, porcelain veneers may be one of them! Call the office for an appointment at (517) 351-7222.

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